Jan Panteltje
2024-04-29 05:53:23 UTC
New circuit boards can be repeatedly recycled
University of Washington
Researchers have developed a new PCB that performs on par with traditional materials
and can be recycled repeatedly with negligible material loss.
Researchers used a solvent that transforms a type of vitrimer
-- a cutting-edge class of polymer -- into a jelly-like substance without damage,
allowing solid components to be plucked out for reuse or recycling.
With these 'vPCBs' (vitrimer printed circuit boards), researchers recovered 98% of the vitrimer and 100% of the glass fiber.
Repair cracked PCBs??
University of Washington
Researchers have developed a new PCB that performs on par with traditional materials
and can be recycled repeatedly with negligible material loss.
Researchers used a solvent that transforms a type of vitrimer
-- a cutting-edge class of polymer -- into a jelly-like substance without damage,
allowing solid components to be plucked out for reuse or recycling.
With these 'vPCBs' (vitrimer printed circuit boards), researchers recovered 98% of the vitrimer and 100% of the glass fiber.
Repair cracked PCBs??