Jan Panteltje
2024-09-05 06:09:12 UTC
On a sunny day (Wed, 4 Sep 2024 16:03:06 -0400) it happened Phil Hobbs
Yes, do they control me?
Maybe it is Russian mushrooms?
Or are they containing CHernobyl radiation?
My night vision is exceptional
But now something really strange happened
Day before yesterday I was in the sup[p]er market.
Shopping list says 'grounded pepper'
Standing in front of racks there with a thousand different small bottles with all sorts of colors grounded stuff in it.
Looked at some labels, was not pepper
So, where...?
I stepped back a bit, all of the sudden I had a smell intensivation, smelled a hundred or more things,
took a deep sniff, noticed the pepper, got ii
Now dogs can do that (to find drugs for example in custom control)
but HOW can my smell suddenly increase hundreds if not thousands times so I can can pick
out a closed bottle from meters away in a second?
Human consciousness...
Same things along same line this morning, invented something, well somebody else already did I then realized
but understood it a lot better...
alt.survival is quiet these says, more US shooting in schools, RT being under attack, no more free press in the US,
Was reading Russia is using ASML parts... to make their own chips.
Texas is leaving the union and merging with Mexico, rumble in ground predicts California big earthquake San Andreas fault..
supperman did not show up, China invades US west coast, well it always was part of China, and now you can get cheap electric cars.
Oh and the worst is perhaps that J.L makes surface mount big not silvered coilds with bended turns ...
Vibration test on that space mission will shake it of the peeseebee.
Scientists build a robot that is part fungus, part machine
They could power it from potato batteries!
I eat a lot of mushrooms...
Explains a lot, really. ;)https://edition.cnn.com/2024/09/04/science/fungus-robot-mushroom-biohybrid/index.html
They could power it from potato batteries!
I eat a lot of mushrooms...
Maybe it is Russian mushrooms?
Or are they containing CHernobyl radiation?
My night vision is exceptional
But now something really strange happened
Day before yesterday I was in the sup[p]er market.
Shopping list says 'grounded pepper'
Standing in front of racks there with a thousand different small bottles with all sorts of colors grounded stuff in it.
Looked at some labels, was not pepper
So, where...?
I stepped back a bit, all of the sudden I had a smell intensivation, smelled a hundred or more things,
took a deep sniff, noticed the pepper, got ii
Now dogs can do that (to find drugs for example in custom control)
but HOW can my smell suddenly increase hundreds if not thousands times so I can can pick
out a closed bottle from meters away in a second?
Human consciousness...
Same things along same line this morning, invented something, well somebody else already did I then realized
but understood it a lot better...
alt.survival is quiet these says, more US shooting in schools, RT being under attack, no more free press in the US,
Was reading Russia is using ASML parts... to make their own chips.
Texas is leaving the union and merging with Mexico, rumble in ground predicts California big earthquake San Andreas fault..
supperman did not show up, China invades US west coast, well it always was part of China, and now you can get cheap electric cars.
Oh and the worst is perhaps that J.L makes surface mount big not silvered coilds with bended turns ...
Vibration test on that space mission will shake it of the peeseebee.
Phil Hobbs
Phil Hobbs